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expereoOne | fst

The Ask

Expereo wanted to promote their main service, expereoOne – a platform providing an intuitive, single view of a user’s entire network’s health, right down to site level. To do this, they asked for a video that was a combination of filmed talking heads and animation of the expereoOne software.

Our Approach

We filmed the talking head walking and talking to camera explaining what expereoOne is and how it works. This included location, talent and extras scouting to create the perfect office environment for the film. This was then combined with 3D visuals of the software itself which gave the viewers an insight of how to use the software.

The Outcome

We created a short and longer version of the video, which were used on social media, expereo’s website, as well as shared internally. Additionally, we also created a version with Japanese subtitles to reach a further audience.

Great work everyone! The clients are really happy!
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